Calaveras County Animal Services Foster Care Program Agreement
Thank you for fostering a pet through Calaveras County Animal Services (CCAS). In consideration of being allowed to participate in the Foster Care Program and for the benefits I receive as a result of being a part of that program, including, without limitation, the companionship I will receive from the assigned animal(s), the ability to socialize and rehabilitate an animal that may otherwise not be exposed to a home setting, and the opportunity to improve my skills and abilities as an animal caregiver, I agree to the terms and conditions set forth herein.
- I understand that the Foster Care Program Application that I completed to qualify as a foster care provider, as well as the policies and procedures specified in the Foster Care Manual are incorporated fully as part of this agreement. Any misrepresentation by me on that application is a breach of this agreement that entitles CCAS to reclaim the foster animal(s) and to terminate my foster care position at the discretion of CCAS.
- I understand that I need to keep in regular contact with CCAS and respond to all communication in a timely manner while the foster animal(s) is in my care. I will notify CCAS within five (5) days of any changes to my address or phone number.
- I agree to keep all foster animals in my care safe, and my commitment includes abiding by CCAS foster care guidelines, as outlined in the CCAS Foster Care Program Manual, which I have received a copy of (electronic or paper version). I agree to read and abide by all sections of the manual. I understand that failure to follow the policies may result in dismissal from the Foster Care Program.
- I understand that CCAS will provide the necessary supplies for the foster animal(s). If I am in need of addition supplies, I understand I must contact CCAS. If I opt to purchase any additional supplies to care for the foster animal(s), I will not be reimbursed.
- I understand that the foster animal(s) are temporarily in my care and that the animal(s) remain the property of Calaveras County Animal Services. I may not sell, give away, adopt out, or otherwise dispose of any foster animal. I agree to return the foster animal(s) to CCAS at the end of the foster care period or immediately upon request by CCAS.
- I understand that most of the animals brought to CCAS come with no behavior history, and their behavior is unknown and subject to change. I recognize and acknowledge that animals are unpredictable, and by CCAS releasing an animal to my care, I am potentially exposing myself, my pets, and anyone that comes into contact with the foster animal(s) to unknown harm. CCAS cannot guarantee or be responsible for the behavior, or temperament of the foster animal(s). In consideration of being allowed to participate in the foster care program, I expressly agree to assume all risks associated with any liability that may arise related to the foster animal(s) and my care and maintenance of such animal(s) and will not hold CCAS liable for any damage, injury, illness or harm caused directly or indirectly through my foster parent position with CCAS.
- I understand that the actions of animals are often unpredictable, and I agree to always supervise the foster animal(s), particularly when around children and resident pets, and to keep them contained (e.g. bathroom, kennel, etc.) when no adult is present in the home. I will ensure that the foster animal(s) will be closely supervised by me, or a responsible adult delegated by me in the home.
- As a CCAS foster parent, I agree to never let my foster animal outside without barrier. Dogs must not be taken to dog parks. To prevent accidental escapes, I agree to keep all foster cats indoors at all times.
- I understand that most of the animals brought to CCAS come with no health history, and their health is unknown and subject to change. I understand all my personal pets should be fully vaccinated as recommended by my veterinarian. I understand the animal I am fostering may be sick with treatable but potentially contagious diseases to other pets or people (zoonosis). As a foster caregiver I accept that CCAS is not liable for any illness, injury or damages to people, other animals or items caused by the foster animal(s).
- I understand that the foster animal(s) will need to return to the CCAS shelter within 2 to 4 weeks for routine care and vaccinations. I agree to remain available and transport the animal(s) to and from their scheduled appointments.
- I understand that if I have concerns regarding the animal’s health, I must make contact with a CCAS staff member to receive direction on whether medical care is needed. In the event further medical treatment is required I agree to transport the animals to CCAS’s partner veterinary clinic. I understand that if I choose to take my foster animal(s) to a non-approved veterinary clinic, or if I take my foster animal(s) to an emergency veterinary hospital without prior approval, CCAS is not fiscally responsible for any treatment received outside of the approved veterinary hospital.
- I agree to report any urgent matters relating to the foster animal(s) to CCAS immediately. Urgent matters include but are not limited to the foster animal(s) becoming ill or injured, lost or stolen, involved in a bite incident which breaks the skin of a person or other animals.
- I understand that if I, as the foster caregiver, want to adopt any of my foster animals, I have first privileges to adopt the animal(s). If I choose to adopt, I understand all CCAS adoption procedures, requirements and fees apply. I also understand that expenses for food, litter, treats, scratch posts, etc. cannot be applied toward adoption fees should I adopt a foster animal.
- I understand that when the foster animal(s) is returned to CCAS the outcome of this animal is solely decided by CCAS. All animals will be spayed and neutered prior to release to their adopter.
I understand that animals can be unpredictable and CCAS cannot anticipate or insure against unexpected conduct of animals fostered from the shelter. I acknowledge that CCAS had not made through its agents, volunteers or employees, any warranties regarding the future temperament or conduct of the animal(s). I hereby accept foster animal(s) as is, assume all risks and responsibilities associated with care taking of the animals, including bites and destruction, and I hereby fully and completely release, indemnify, and hold harmless CCAS, its directors, officers, volunteers, agents, servants, and employees from any claim, cause of action or liability of any sort or nature, whether known or unknown, directly arising out of or in connection with the fostering, care, maintenance, retention, temperament, conduct, or condition of the animal.
When submitting a form online, typing your name is equivalent to a signature.
By signing below, I certify that I have reviewed and understand the terms of the Foster Care Agreement.